Charles Dickens was the greatest English writer of the nineteenth century and one of the best novelists in history.
Material Nostalgia in Classical and Early Modern Drama
The inevitability and impact of the past become most discernible when we return home, whether the return seems joyful or sad.
Jonathan Leetham “Orphan Brooklyn”
Jonathan Lethem is a contemporary American author of psychological detective stories. His prose is distinguished by the author’s recognizable humor
A list of books similar to “A Meter Apart”
The book One Meter Apart was written by three authors, Rachel Lippincott, Tobias Iaconis, and Mickey Daughtry.
Books similar to Defending Jacob
American writer William Landay became famous after the publication of his novel Mission Flats in 2003. Prior to that
Books that won’t let go
There are books that are quickly forgotten. But there are such works that you remember, and mentally return to the events and the characters.
What are the benefits of reading and why read a lot?
Today we have the opportunity to find many interesting works on the Internet, read online for free and without registration, but we read less and less.
Books similar in plot to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
One of the most famous and popular classic English novels was written by Jane Austen when she was 21 years old.
New Books of June 2021: Interesting New Books
Looking for something interesting to read in the first month of summer? Check out these books from June 2021.
How to remember what you read in books
Each of us is faced with the need to memorize the information we read. Sometimes it is easy to remember,